
Luchazi people and their heritage.

Luchazi people The Luchazi (Lucazi) are a Bantu ethnic people of the southern central Africa who are found in Angola, Congo (DRC), Namibia and Zambia. KaLuchazi (the plural being VaLuchazi) is a term used to indicate member of a Luchazi people. Luchazi is a name of a river, and it was used to refer to early communities that settled along the Luchazi River in eastern Angola. The Luchazi River is a tributary of Luena River. In eastern Angola, names of ethnic groups are based on the names of the rivers or some other characteristic feature of the ecology. Sometimes the name of an ethnic or sub-ethnic group is derived from the clan's name or personality of a famous chief. In 1923, Emil Pearson collected an oral tradition among the Lwimbi in the Kwanza valley that claimed that the Lwimbi are part of the Luchazi people. It is reported that their chief called Lwimbi had a quarrel with a Luchazi Chief called Muangana Mueni Ngongola. After that bitter quarrel, Chief Lwimbi with his follow...

The history of the Kings and Queens of Luchazi people

Luchazi Kingdom By 14th century the Luchazi people were centrally settled in the present day Angola. Before the period of colonial rule, clans were powerful and often functioned as Kingdoms because of their deep loyalties and tight organisation; the Luchazi territories were marked as kingdoms and chiefdoms. The Muangana is the royal ruler of the tribal grouping and lives at a palace called Nganda in which his/her house is fenced off in a well-trimmed pole and grass palisade called Citungu ca Muangana. Muangana means royal ruler (male or female) or king in Luchazi language and Mueni is the title used before the name of a Luchazi king, queen, prince or princess. Between 16th century and 18th century, the Luchazi royal family grew bigger, several princes and princesses left the nucleus of the royal establishment and moved out to other territories to establish their own kingdoms. The Luchazi kingdom was founded at Ndakavala-Nakato which is a tributary of the Luena River in Angola. From t...